
BREAKING: Gay Politician Who Previously Defended Man Convicted of Molesting Teen Boy Arrested On Rape Allegation

Jack Hadfield

A Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom has admitted to being the subject of a criminal investigation after being accused of rape. Crispin Blunt, an MP for the Conservative Party, made the startling announcement on social media.

Earlier today, The Sun reported that a leading Conservative MP had been arrested on rape allegations by Surrey Police, but did not name the MP in question. Within a couple of hours of the story being posted, Blunt, an MP in the region, confirmed he was the subject of the criminal investigation.

“I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this incident, the first time three weeks ago, when I initially reported my concern over extortion,” Blunt said. “The second time was earlier this morning under caution following arrest. The arrest was unnecessary as I remain ready to cooperate fully with the investigation that I am confident will end without charge. I do not intend to say anything further on this matter until the police have completed their inquiries.”

Blunt, an prominent gay MP, has been a “staunch defender of LGBT+ rights in Parliament,” according to pro-LGBT outlet Pink News, and has a track record of promoting gender ideology.

Blunt, who is the uncle of actress Emily Blunt, has vocally defended transgender “affirming” surgeries, and has pushed for policies that would lead to the elimination of single-sex spaces for women and girls.

However, despite this latest blow to his integrity, Blunt was already set to stand down at the next general election following a controversy in which he defended a convicted child molester. Last year, Blunt came under fire for defending former Conservative MP Imran Ahmad Khan after the latter was convicted of intoxicating a teenage boy and sexually abusing him.

In a statement, Blunt defended his “friend and colleague,” claiming that the conviction was a “dreadful miscarriage of justice,” and “nothing short of an international scandal, with dreadful wider implications for millions of LGBT+ muslims around the world.”

Blunt argued that “the conduct of the case relied on lazy tropes about LGBT+ people,” and if Ahmad Khan was forced to step down from Parliament as a result – which he eventually did – it would be “a stain on [the UK’s] reputation for justice, and an appalling own goal by Britain as we try to take a lead in reversing the Victorian era prejudice that still disfigures too much of the global statute book.”

The Surrey MP was forced to apologize and retract his statement, claiming that he did not “condone any form of abuse” and that he strongly believes “in the independence and integrity of the justice system.”

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