
Congolese Migrant Who Was Previously Labeled A “Model Citizen” And “Poster Boy For Integration” Sentenced For Raping His Own Mother

Natasha Biase

A Congolese migrant in Germany has been sentenced to nine years in prison after physically and sexually assaulting his own mother. Moise Lohombo, who was previously jailed for drug possession, had previously been touted as a poster boy for integration by the nation’s liberal media.

According to Remix, Lohombo, who migrated to Germany when he was eight with his sister, threatened to stab his mother to death if she didn’t sleep with him. Despite her pleas to pay a prostitute to sleep with him instead, he proceeded to beat and rape her.

Although the 30-year-old migrant reportedly apologized to her and called an ambulance before escaping the scene of the crime, investigators noted the brutality of the attack after seeing her blood splashed across the apartment.

At the hospital, Lohombo’s mother, who suffered from a brain bleed as a result of the attack, expressed to nurses a fear that her son may have gotten her pregnant.

During the legal proceedings held at Wiesbaden District Court, Lohombo’s lawyer asserted that he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol and “was not of sound mind during the attack.” To avoid serving time in prison, he also requested that Lohombo be placed in a mental institution instead.

Additionally, Lohombo continually admitted throughout the trial that “he did not know how [the attack] had happened.” 

Despite his lawyer’s efforts to help him avoid jail time, the Congolese national was sentenced to nine years in prison after the judge admitted his crimes were “so cruel” that “he thought he had misread the case file.”

In 2017, left-wing media outlet Deutsche Handwerkszeitung published a report labeling Lohombo as a “model citizen” for successfully assimilating to Western culture after moving to Europe as a child.

“If you sit across from Moise Lohombo over a latte, you see a charming, friendly young man who enthusiastically shows pictures of his bull terrier dog Betty on his cell phone,” reads the op-ed.

Although he had a history of violent behavior growing up, including attacking other kids, the outlet painted Lohombo as the poster boy for migration, claiming he “literally fought” to make something of himself after leaving his “youthful sins” behind to complete a baking apprenticeship before becoming a professional boxer.

“If I bake a cake, for example, a really good strawberry cake – women really love that, I know that!” said Lohombo in the puff piece.

Despite claims from the media that Lohombo turned his life around, he raped his mother shortly after he was released from prison last August after being charged with drug offenses.

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