
GERMANY: Serial Pedophile Kidnaps Girl After Police Demand Residents In Community Stop Drawing Attention To Him

Natasha Biase

After police ordered residents in Neustadt, Germany, to take down posters warning of a convicted pedophile in the neighborhood, a ten-year-old girl was kidnapped outside her school and sexually abused. The man on the posters, Arthur Krahl, had existing child sexual abuse charges and has been jailed for possessing child pornography in the past.

According to the Daily Mail, witnesses saw 61-year-old Krahl force the girl into his vehicle outside her school and quickly called the police. Following an intense car chase on the A65 motorway, Krahl was eventually stopped and arrested. The victim was reportedly found sobbing in the backseat of Krahl’s car.

Local media later disclosed that the police had been warned about Krahl’s disturbing past, which prompted parents to share photos of him on social media after he was seen loitering near elementary schools and playgrounds.

Despite growing concern about Krahl’s presence in the neighborhood, police and local state officials ordered residents to “stop spreading rumors” and take all the images down.

“We always warned everyone about him, but the police kept letting him go,” explained an ex-neighbor of Krahl’s. “Even when he once told the judge at a hearing that his next victim could no longer identify him. He openly threatened murder!’

Other locals admitted to constantly keeping an eye on Krahl, who, according to them, always walked free from his crimes without consequence.

“We always kept an eye on this guy to protect our children. Because no matter what he did, he always came out. We felt defenseless against him.”

Sven Goedel, a local bus driver, responded to the news by reminding people that just weeks prior to the most recent incident, Krahl had attempted to abduct a 16-year-old in Lambrecht and was not charged.

“This criminal pulled a 16-year-old into the car in Lambrecht a few weeks ago and still remained free,” claimed Goedel. “I can not comprehend that. This is a judicial scandal and we are all afraid of this man here.”

News of Krahl’s horrific crimes comes on the heels of another horrifying incident Germany involving a pedophile and the death of a little girl.

Daniel Troger, 25, is facing charges for raping a 10-year-old girl after breaking into a care home in Wunsiedel. After sexually assaulting the child, Troger proceeded to watch pornography with an 11-year-old boy who was also residing at the home. The boy then strangled the raped girl to death.

Troger, a husband and father to two children, appears to have entered The St. Joseph Home for Children at around 9 p.m. on April 4 through an unlocked window. The next day, the young girl’s corpse was discovered half-naked at the facility.

After collecting DNA samples at the crime scene, police identified the boy and Troger through their fingerprints. Since then, Troger has been charged with rape, burglary, and arson. However, the boy, believed to have killed the girl, will not be charged due to his young age.

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