
Muslim Woman Accused Of “Immodesty,” Inundated With Abuse After Posting Wholesome Baby Bump Photo

Natasha Biase

A viral post has sparked debate on social media surrounding Islam’s treatment of women after Muslim attacked a young woman for posting a pregnancy photo. The picture, shared by user @halalfrijole, was posted on X on February 19 and has received thousands of disturbing comments hurling abuse and threats at her.

The wholesome post featured the 24-year-old user showing off her pregnant belly in a photo captioned “33 weeks but who’s counting.”

Quickly, what should have been a sweet moment met with congratulations was sullied by a number of depraved comments from primarily Muslim men.

Although she did garner comments from well-wishers, the post also faced backlash from men chastising her for sharing an “intimate” photo of herself, and accusing her of immodesty.

“I’d rather die a painful death than have any picture of my wife on the internet for the world to see never mind an intimate one of her pregnant showing her bump. How can certain men live with this shame? Genuine question,” wrote one X user by the handle @Adz17_.

“Keep to yourself. No need to expose yourself to the world,” responded another male user, adding: “This message is not intended to offend you.”

“Where’s this woman husband? How can a man allow his wife to post herself like this?” commented another male Muslim X user.

One user even called the woman a “hoe” for posting the photo, accusing the woman of showing the outline of her breasts and stomach.

In addition to many men referring to the woman as “vile” and immodest for sharing the photo, many also took to X to accuse her of being a “feminist” and demand she take the image down.

“What did I tell you? Reason she is not deleting it = because obeying Muslim men or being submissive to Muslim men is the greatest sin. True rebellious stubborn feminist to the core,” wrote a user by the handle @r_abukhuzaymah.

“She’d rather have Muslim women humiliated by [non-believer] men who are saving her photo than obey Muslim men. It has nothing to do with open advice vs private, nor soft or hard advice, nor whatever, it is pure feminism, lack of Walaa’ and being brainwashed into thinking that Muslim men are mysoginists. Maybe even some xenophilia,” he continued.

Continuing he decried the current state of Muslim women in the West:

“This is the state of a large portion of western Muslim women. They will never learn with this simpist approach some of you are calling for, rather it will only become worse … The only way they will learn is by the hard way – condemning evil and being uncompromising in doing so,” he concluded.

The comments made primarily by Muslim men horrified many users on X. Some, like journalist and co-founder of the pro-woman news outlet Reduxx, accused the men of being hypocrites.

“A certain religious group’s men are so funny because they’ll drink, sleep around, watch porn, warm the balls of pimps like Andrew [Tate], rape, lie, mooch, and abuse yet can quote the exact verses of scripture a pregnant woman is violating simply by visibly existing,” wrote Slatz, sharing screenshots of some of the negative comments the photo received.

Others, like journalist and gender critical commentator Shay Woulahan, pointed out that despite the angry response many men had to the woman’s photograph, the post had also been bookmarked over 5,000 times.

“Muslim men raging at a pregnant married woman after bookmarking her innocent photo and hate fapping over it,” later adding: “If you could see bookmarks you’d see an awful lot of Muhammeds.”

But the situation reached new heights after a screenshot of the woman was circulated by Muslim men appearing to show the woman’s photo on a Reddit board dedicated to Indian pornography.

“Isn’t this what you fucking wanted? Are you happy now? A simple reverse search will show you this. When Muslim men tell you over and over again about the lengths a certain demographic will go to in order to sexualize Muslim women, maybe you should put your narcissistic ego to the side and just listen,” user @farming6996 said. Many Muslim men began circulating the image as “proof” that their warnings to the woman about removing the photo had been correct.

But it was quickly revealed that the screenshot appeared to have been doctored, with other users being unable to find the Reddit post, and quickly determining it was a hoax.

“It’s a hoax, I had a look as well on Reddit. These depraved lads and the pick-me muslim girls were spreading doctored images to push their gaslighted viewpoints. Can’t say I’m surprised, you know,” user @97kinderbueno wrote.

Despite the backlash, the woman has vowed not to take the photo down because it would “only reaffirm to Muslim men that they can bully and harass Muslim women online” into submission.

“No one has made Islam look bad except the vile comments from other Muslims,” she continued, adding: “Your words don’t deserve the privilege of privacy. May you never escape them.”

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