
Police Body Cam Footage Casts Doubt On Trans Activist Narrative In Death Of “Non-Binary” Oklahoma Teen

Natasha Biase

Newly-released police bodycam footage reveals that a “non-binary” teen in Oklahoma who died shortly after an altercation occurred in the ladies washroom of her school provoked the fight. In the video, Sue Benedict, who went by the name “Nex,” is sitting in a hospital bed recounting the events that led to the fight.

Since the minor’s tragic death was announced, media outlets, gender activists, and Nex’s family have been claiming she was killed because of her “gender identity” and was the victim of a “hate crime.” Some even blamed Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik for the incident because she had previously covered an incident that had taken place in Nex’s school district. But the police body cam footage reveals that New was in fact responsible for initiating the fight with the younger students.

The video begins with the officer questioning the 16-year-old about what motive may have led to the attack between her and her peers, and attempting to determine if they had any previous relationship or communication.

“So, they just up and decided to start messing with you?” The officer asks.

Nex, who claims she didn’t know the students before the brawl ensued and that they were making fun of how she dressed, responded: “I don’t know these girls.”

The officer continued to press, appearing to be confused about the situation: “So, they just continued to pick on you, and pick on you… And at some point, they got up and confronted you in class?”

In response, Nex explained that at around 1 p.m. on February 7, she and her friends went to the bathroom, and the other girls were there.

“I was talking to my friends, they were talking to their friends, and we were laughing, and they had said something like, ‘Why do they laugh like that?’ They were talking about us in front of us. So I went up there and poured water on them. Then all three of them came at me.”

Hoping to seek clarification, the officer asked what she used to splash water on the girls and asked what events occurred afterwards.

“They came at me. They grabbed on my hair,” explained Nex, adding: “I grabbed onto them. I threw one of them into a paper towel dispenser, and then they got my legs out from under me, got me onto the ground and started beating the shit out of me. And then my friends tried to jump, help, but I’m not sure, I blacked out.”

In addition to media outlets and activists decrying the situation as a hate crime, false narratives began circulating that Nex died from brain trauma and head trauma following the dispute. 

According to The Cut, Nex was discharged from the hospital the same day of the fight. After going to bed that night with a “sore head,” Nex reportedly collapsed at her house the next afternoon and was rushed to St. Francis Pediatric Emergency Room where she was pronounced dead.

As of February 21, the preliminary autopsy revealed that “Nex did not die as a result of trauma” and that “further comments on the cause of death are currently pending until toxicology results and other ancillary testing results are received.”

The police have stated that the official autopsy report will be available at a later date.

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