Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has gone on record as blaming American conservatives for anti-LGBT views in Canada’s Muslim community. In a recent video, Trudeau dismissed the wave of protests led by Muslim parents against gender ideology, blaming them on the “Christian right.”
Last week, Trudeau met with members of the Muslim community at the Baltun Nur Mosque in Calgary Alberta, where a protest had been staged in opposition of the sex education curriculum being taught at local schools. While addressing the crowd, Trudeau was questioned by a demonstrator who asked him to protect Muslim values.
“I ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, please protect our culture, our belief, the sin that you are doing to them,” he said.
In response, Trudeau blamed right-wingers in the US for stirring up division and spreading “misinformation” about Canada’s sex education curriculum.
“First of all, there is an awful lot of misinformation and disinformation out there [from] people on social media, particularly fueled by the American right-wing [who] are spreading a lot of untruths about what is actually … in the curriculum,” Trudeau said.
Continuing, he explained that “there is no … aggressive teaching or conversion of kids into being LGBT. That is something that is being weaponized by people … of the far right who have consistently stood against Muslim rights.”
Admitting that he understood Islam has strong convictions about homosexuality and gender ideology, Trudeau asserted that the Muslim community’s concern about what their kids were learning in schools was rooted in fear. The Prime Minister added that the “Christian right” was trying to “drive a wedge between a government that will always stand up for all your rights.”
Concluding his statement, Trudeau vowed to “always stand up for the rights of LGBT kids, including if they’re LGBT Muslims,” adding that his government is “going to defend your rights even when you disagree with us defending other people’s rights.”
Clips of Trudeau’s statements began circulating online, angering Canadians who felt as though his response to the Muslim community’s concerns about the sex-ed curricula were being dismissed.
One user, who goes by the handle @HaveWeAllGoneM1 on Twitter, described Trudeau’s response as “embarrassing” for blaming American conservatives.
There has been a growing resistance to graphic LGBT education in Canadian schools. Last month, The Publica published a report about Planned Parenthood’s distribution of disturbing sex education materials to high school students in Saskatchewan.
Amongst the materials was a card game that described different aspects of sex or sexuality using letters of the alphabet called Using Sex: From A to Z. Although the backlash resulted in the Minister of Education in Saskatchewan suspending Planned Parenthood from presenting in schools, dozens of kids were exposed to the materials describing various kinks and sexual fetishes.
Canada’s Muslim community has recently waged a vocal resistance against pro-LGBT materials in their communities.
During Pride month, a disturbing audio recording was circulated on social media in which a female teacher at Londonderry School in Alberta could be heard yelling at her Muslim students and telling them that they “didn’t belong” in Canada due to their reluctance to attend Pride month festivities. The recording sparked widespread backlash from Muslim parents, who would go on to spearhead protests across Alberta.